PATD! Poster Series

Panic At The Disco!
Concert Poster Series

Band Awareness that Rocks

No Need to Panic

This poster series of poster promotes the tour dates of the popular band, Panic! at the Disco. The design of the poster is based off their most recent album design with their lead singer walking up a side of a building/standing on top/smoke trailing. The design uses very simple colors with white, black, and then bright colors with a handmade sky texture for the background. This also featured iconic city landmarks like the Jackson Tower, the Hollywood Theatre sign, the Hollywood sign, and the Space Needle. The skyline of each city keep each poster unique. The main inspiration for this design came directly from the artists’ style and a very 80s vice theme using bright colors and different shades by their own work along with a very 80’s vice theme, with the use of bright colors and differing shades.  The target audience is mainly for the ages of 14-30, who will appreciate the style and how it connects the artist/personality.

Screen Printing
Print Campaign

Print Design
