Green Mountain Conservation

Green Mountain Conservation

Designed to the Good of Humanity

Go Green

The construction of a brand where all proceeds go towards a noble cause of nature protection. This included making the brand and several methods of showing off/sharing the brand in a method that show this perfectly. This included a web interface available on mobile, and desktop, a series of varying apparel items, and an informative infographic. The web interface is a several page web site that is being planned to be made in the future that has an about page, an events page, a donation page, and a web store neatly organized in a grid format. The apparel line includes metal water bottles, T-shirts, hoodies, tank tops, a canvas tote, and baseball caps with strong brand recognition with logo variations and is available in many different colors/fits. Lastly, there is a colorful infographic with a similar style to the logo and had interesting facts to interest people into the cause/bring more people. It will all reach a large audience based on its simplicity and important cause to the New England Area.

Print Campaign

Brand Design
Product Design
